Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Acrysil – Dissecting the hidden small cap

 Acrysil, a niche player in the growing consumer space, has a strong brand identity and manufacturing capabilities supported by its German partner Schock & Co, a leading decorative moulding company. Under its well-known brand “CARYSIL”, the company manufactures granite sinks, stainless sinks and other kitchen products like dish washers and refrigeration equipment for the residential and professions customers.

Friday, March 20, 2020



How it work 

Step 1 —- Take photo of skin problem area . Minimum 3/5 photo with Different angle

Step 2  —- wright something about your problem and upload your past prescription on given                                 Whats App number

Step 3 —- upload all documents on the link given below

                           CLICK FOR ONLINE CONSULTATION

Step 4 — pay consultation fee online by clicking on given link 
                                     PAY ONLINE

Step 5 — Doctor will look into your document and give you prescription about the required                                medicines 

Step 6 —- Medicine will be couriered to postal address if you need

Saturday, January 5, 2019


Radiance Skin Clinic


The Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ Laser Hair Removal treatment can now liberate you from daily shaving and tedious plucking. With Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ you can forget about expensive waxing, too.

Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ combines cutting-edge medical laser technology with the comfort and convenience. Revolutionary technology has been described as one of the most comfortable and Pain Free hair removal options available.
  • No Pain
  • No Threading
  • No Waxing
  • No Shaving

Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ combines cutting-edge medical laser technology with the comfort and convenience. Revolutionary technology has been described as one of the most comfortable and Pain Free hair removal options available.

Laser Hair removal is best technique to remove unwanted hair from body which is painless and comfortable. The Laser built on most advanced German technology which will give heat to root of hair to remove. In other machine there are problem of spot on skin after treatment when this treatment works on in-motion technology so there are no problem like it. This treatment has no side effect and it is more effective and comfortable than waxing, plucking threading.

Through laser pulses it can remove unwanted Hair from almost any body part like Face, Neck, Leg, Underarms, bikini area, back and belly without any pain.

Covering Body Areas
  • Face, Neck
  • Hand, Underarms
  • Chest, Back & Belly
  • Bikini Area, Legs

Quick and Comfortable
  • Painless and without any medicine or pre-treatment.
  • Long lasting results
  • Quick treatment in just one hour
  • No recovery time needed so you can go to routine work immediately
  • Perfectly suitable and safe for Men & Woman, even on the sensitive areas of body like Neck, Face and Bikini area


    For More information

    Tuesday, December 11, 2018

    Fluoxetine Side Effects

    Fluoxetine Side Effects in Dermatology


    Alopecia was usually reversible.[Ref]
    Common (1% to 10%): Pruritus, rash, sweating/hyperhidrosis, urticaria
    Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Acne, alopecia, cold sweat, contact dermatitis, ecchymosis, eczema, increased tendency to bruise, maculopapular rash, skin discoloration, skin ulcer
    Rare (less than 0.1%): Epidermal necrolysis/toxic epidermal necrolysis, erythema multiforme, furunculosis, hirsutism, petechia, photosensitivity reaction, psoriasis, purpura, purpuric rash, seborrhea, Stevens Johnson syndrome/Lyell syndrome
    Frequency not reported: Erythema, exfoliative rash, heat rash, erythematous rash, follicular rash, generalized rash, macular rash, morbilliform rash, papular rash, pruritic rash, vesicular rash, umbilical erythema rash
    Postmarketing reports: Erythema nodosum, exfoliative dermatitis, thrombocytopenic purpura[Ref]


    Rare (less than 0.1%): Blood dyscrasias, hypochromic Anemia, iron deficiency anemia, leukopenia, lymphedema, lymphocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia
    Postmarketing reports: Aplastic anemia, eosinophilia, immune-related hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia[Ref]


    Very common (10% or more): Nausea (up to 29%), diarrhea (up to 18%), dry mouth (up to 12%)
    Common (1% to 10%): Abdominal pain, constipation, dyspepsia, flatulence, gastrointestinal disorder, vomiting
    Uncommon (0.1% to 1%): Aphthous stomatitis, buccoglossal syndrome, colitis, dysphagia, eructation, esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage, glossitis, gum hemorrhage, hyperchlorhydria, increased salivation, melena, mouth ulceration, stomach ulcer, stomatitis

    Tuesday, December 4, 2018

    Oral Lichen Planus

    Oral lichen planus


    Oral lichen planus can't be passed from one person to another. The disorder occurs when the immune system mounts an attack against cells of the oral mucous membranes for unknown reasons (autoimmune disorder).Oral lichen planus (LIE-kun PLAY-nus) is an ongoing (chronic) inflammatory condition that affects mucous membranes inside your mouth. Oral lichen planus may appear as white, lacy patches; red, swollen tissues; or open sores. These lesions may cause burning, pain or other discomfort.
    Symptoms can usually be managed, but people who have oral lichen planus need regular monitoring because they may be at risk of developing mouth cancer in the affected areas.


    Signs and symptoms of oral lichen planus affect the mucous membranes of the mouth.


    The lesions may appear as:
    • Lacy, white, raised patches of tissues
    • Red, swollen, tender patches of tissues
    • Open sores


    These lesions may appear on the:
    • Inside of the cheeks, the most common location
    • Gums
    • Tongue
    • Inner tissues of the lips
    • Palate

    Pain or discomfort

    The white, lacy patches may not cause discomfort when they appear on the inside of the cheeks. However, symptoms accompanying red, swollen patches and open sores may include:
    • Burning sensation or pain
    • Sensitivity to hot, acidic or spicy foods
    • Bleeding and irritation with tooth brushing
    • Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis)
    • Painful, thickened patches on the tongue
    • Discomfort when speaking, chewing or swallowing

    Other types of lichen planus

    If you have oral lichen planus, you may have lichen planus lesions affecting other parts of your body.
    • Skin. Lesions usually appear as purplish, flat-topped bumps that are often itchy.
    • Genitals. Lesions on the female genitalia often cause pain or burning and discomfort with intercourse. The lesions are usually red and eroded and occasionally appear as white areas. Lesions also can occur on male genitalia.
    • Ears. Lichen planus of the ears can lead to hearing loss.
    • Scalp. When skin lesions appear on the scalp — a rare condition — they may cause temporary or permanent hair loss.
    • Nails. Though rare, lichen planus of the toenails or fingernails may result in ridges on the nails, thinning or splitting of nails, and temporary or permanent nail loss.
    • Eyes. Rarely, lichen planus may involve the mucous membrane surfaces of the eyes, and can cause scarring and blindness.
    • Esophagus. Lichen planus of the esophagus also is rare, but when it occurs, it may result in a narrowing of the esophagus or the formation of tightened, ringlike bands in the esophagus that can make swallowing difficult.


    It's not known what causes oral lichen planus. However, T lymphocytes — certain white blood cells involved in inflammation — appear to be activated in oral lichen planus. Although it could indicate an immune disorder, more research is needed to determine the exact cause.
    It's possible that, in some people, oral lichen planus may be triggered by certain medications, mouth injury, infection, or allergy-causing agents such as dental materials. However, these causes are not confirmed.

    Risk factors

    Some factors may increase your risk of developing oral lichen planus, such as having a disorder that compromises your immune system or taking certain medications, though more research is needed.


    Severe cases of oral lichen planus may increase the risk of:
    • Significant pain
    • Weight loss or nutritional deficiency
    • Stress or anxiety
    • Depression
    • Scarring from erosive lesions
    • Secondary oral yeast or fungal infections
    • Oral cancer


    Your doctor makes a diagnosis of oral lichen planus based on:
    • Discussion of your medical and dental history and the medications you're taking
    • Review of symptoms, including lesions in your mouth and any other places on your body
    • Examination of your mouth, and other areas as appropriate
    He or she also may request lab tests such as:
    • Biopsy. A small tissue sample is taken from one or more lesions in your mouth and examined under a microscope to look for indications of oral lichen planus. Other more specialized microscopic tests may be needed to identify immune system proteins commonly associated with oral lichen planus.
    • Cultures. A sample of cells is taken from your mouth using a cotton swab. The sample is examined under a microscope to determine whether you have a secondary fungal, bacterial or viral infection.
    • Blood tests. These may be done to identify conditions such as hepatitis C, which may rarely be associated with oral lichen planus, and lupus, which may look similar to oral lichen planus.


    Oral lichen planus is a chronic condition. There is no cure, so the treatment focuses on helping severe lesions heal and reducing pain or other discomfort. Your doctor will monitor your condition to determine the appropriate treatment or stop treatment as necessary.
    If you have no pain or discomfort and if only white, lacy lesions are present, you may not need any treatment. For more severe symptoms, you may need one or more of the options below.

    Symptomatic treatment

    Treatments such as topical numbing agents can be used to provide temporary relief for areas that are particularly painful.


    Corticosteroids may reduce inflammation related to oral lichen planus. One of these forms may be recommended:
    • Topical. Mouthwash, ointment or gel is applied directly to the mucous membrane — the preferred method.
    • Oral. Corticosteroids are taken as a pill for a limited amount of time.
    • Injection. The medication is injected directly into the lesion.
    Side effects vary, depending on the method of use. Talk with your doctor to weigh the potential benefits against possible side effects.

    Immune response medicines

    Medications that suppress or modify your body's immune response may be used to improve more-severe lesions and lessen pain. They come in these forms:
    • Topical ointments or gels. Calcineurin inhibitors, similar to oral drugs used to prevent rejection of transplanted organs, may be effective for treating oral lichen planus. But these medications have a Food and Drug Administration warning because of an unclear association with cancer. Examples include tacrolimus (Protopic) and pimecrolimus (Elidel).
    • Systemic medication. For severe cases where oral lichen planus also involves other areas — such as the scalp, genitalia or esophagus — systemic medications that suppress the immune system may be used.

    Dealing with triggers

    If your doctor suspects that oral lichen planus may be related to a trigger, such as a drug, an allergen or stress, he or she can recommend how to address the trigger. For example, you may be advised to try another drug instead, to see an allergist or dermatologist for additional testing, or to learn stress management techniques.

    Lifestyle and home remedies

    In addition to regular medical and dental treatment, self-care measures may help improve your oral lichen planus symptoms or help prevent recurring episodes of severe symptoms:
    • Practice good oral hygiene. Keep your mouth clean to reduce your symptoms and help prevent infection. Gently brush your teeth at least twice a day using a bland toothpaste, and floss daily.
    • Adjust your diet. Cut out spicy, salty or acidic foods if they seem to trigger or worsen your symptoms. Choose foods that are soft to help limit discomfort. And reduce or eliminate the use of caffeine.
    • Avoid irritants. Avoid alcohol or tobacco. Also avoid habits that can injure the inside of your mouth, such as chewing on your lip or cheek.
    • Learn to manage stress. Because stress may complicate symptoms or trigger symptom recurrence, you may need to develop skills to avoid or manage stress. Your doctor may refer you to a mental health specialist who can help you identify stressors, develop stress management strategies or address other mental health concerns.
    • See your doctor or dentist regularly. See your dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings, or more often as directed by your dentist. Because long-term treatment is often required, talk to your doctor or dentist about how often you should be seen to evaluate how your treatment is working and for cancer screening.

    Granuloma annulare


    Granuloma annulare (gran-u-LOW-muh an-u-LAR-e) is a skin condition that most commonly consists of raised, reddish or skin-colored bumps (lesions) that form ring patterns — usually on your hands and feet.
    No one knows exactly what causes granuloma annulare. But it may be triggered by minor skin injuries and certain medications. Some types of granuloma annulare affect adults, and others typically affect children.
    In most cases, granuloma annulare isn't itchy or painful, so no treatment is necessary. The lesions usually disappear on their own within two years. If you're bothered by how your skin looks, your doctor can prescribe medications that will speed the disappearance of the lesions.


    The signs and symptoms of granuloma annulare can vary, depending on the variety:
    • Localized. This is the most common type of granuloma annulare. The bump (lesion) borders have a circular or semicircular shape, with a diameter up to 2 inches (5 centimeters). It occurs most commonly on the hands, feet, wrists and ankles of young adults.
    • Generalized. Up to 15 percent of the people who have granuloma annulare have lesions over a large portion of their bodies — including the trunk, arms and legs. This type is more likely to be itchy and to affect adults.
    • Under the skin. A type that usually affects young children is called subcutaneous granuloma annulare. It produces firm, usually painless, lumps under the skin instead of a rash. The lumps are usually less than 1.4 inches (3.5 centimeters) in diameter and appear on the hands, shins and scalp.


    No one knows exactly what causes granuloma annulare. But in some people, the condition may be triggered by:
    • Animal or insect bites
    • Infections, including hepatitis
    • Tuberculin skin tests
    • Vaccinations
    • Sun exposure
    • Other minor injury to the skin
    Granuloma annulare is not contagious.

    Risk factors

    Granuloma annulare is occasionally associated with diabetes or thyroid disease, most often when lesions are numerous or widespread.


    Your doctor may diagnose granuloma annulare by examining the affected skin. He or she may take a small skin sample (biopsy) to examine under a microscope.


    In most cases, no treatment is necessary for granuloma annulare. Most lesions disappear within a few months, and rarely last more than two years. If the appearance of your skin bothers you, your doctor may recommend:
    • Corticosteroid creams or ointments. Prescription-strength products may help improve the appearance of the lesions and speed their disappearance. Your doctor may direct you to cover the cream with bandages or an adhesive patch, to increase the effectiveness of this treatment.
    • Corticosteroid injections. If the skin lesions are thicker and your symptoms are greater, your doctor may inject corticosteroids directly into the lesions to help them disappear faster.
    • Freezing the lesions. Applying liquid nitrogen to the affected area can help remove the lesions and stimulate the growth of new skin.
    • Light therapy. Exposing the lesions to particular types of light is sometimes helpful. Certain types of laser treatments also work for some people.
    • Oral medications. In severe cases, especially when the lesions are widespread, your doctor might prescribe antibiotics, antimalarials or drugs used to prevent immune system reactions.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2018

    Preventing Ringworm

    Maintain hygiene. 

    Proper hygiene is an important part of preventing and treating ringworm. Simple measures such as washing your hands to using only your own personal items, can keep ringworm from spreading to others and may prevent recurrences.

    Clean your skin. 

    Ringworm is a result of parasites that feed on skin cells. Washing your hands frequently and showering daily may help prevent ringworm or its recurrence.[27]
    • Use a soap and water to wash skin after using the restroom or touching common surfaces.
    • Wear flip flops or shower shoes if you shower in a gym or locker room.

    Dry skin completely. 

    Damp environments can promote the growth of ringworm. Be sure to completely dry your skin with a towel or by air after swimming or a shower. This can eliminate a damp environment that promotes fungus growth
    • Dust talc or cornstarch rice powder to keep your skin dry of water or sweat.
    • Use a deodorant and antiperspirant under your arms to keep them dry, which may help prevent ringworm.

    Avoid contact. 

    Because ringworm is highly contagious, avoid sharing personal items. This can prevent ringworm or recurrence of the infection.[29]
    • Keep the towels, bedding, and clothing of an infected person separate from your items. Hairbrushes and combs can also spread ringworm.

    Dress in loose, cool clothing. 

    Wear clothing appropriate to the weather and choose to layer items in the event of changing temperatures. This can prevent the sweating that promotes the conditions favorable to ringworm.[30]
    • Wear soft and lightweight clothing in the summer. Choose fabrics like cotton that allow your skin to breathe.
    • Wear layers in winter or at transitional times. Layering allows you to easily remove clothes so you don’t get hot. In turn, it prevents sweating that can promote an environment conducive to ringworm. Consider fabrics such as merino wool to keep you warm and dry.

    Dr Bhavesh Shah
    Md Skin

    Sunday, August 7, 2016

    6-Hair care tips in monsoon

    After a hot and sweaty summer, the monsoon comes as a relief but the humid and damp weather might take a toll on your hair. Your hair remains moist for longer time and even after a shower you still find it difficult to dry and it remains moist because of humid climate. Wet hair may lead to many other problems. So here are some tips to take care of your hair to maintain healthy and good look all through the monsoo
    Get wet but wash away the rain afterwards

    Shampoo your hair 2-3 times a week to keep your sticky and sweaty scalp healthy and wash off the rain water that is loaded with pollutants. Given the delicate care your hair needs during monsoons, use a mild shampoo with Nutrition, which will nourish your hair and help reduce hair fall due to breakage 
     Dry your hair the right way.

    Use a microfiber towel to dry your hair as it absorbs the water very quickly and causes minimum friction between your hair and towel to reduce hair fall
    Say yes to conditioner.
    A rich conditioner is a must to fight the frizz that rain showers bring. and protects hair against hair fall When applying conditioner, use a wide-tooth comb to spread it well. Remember if possible to rinse with cold water for extra shine!
    Oiling is a must.

    Oil your hair but massage gently to avoid breakage. Once or twice a week is good for nourishment, but doing it more often is not recommended, as your scalp is already oily due to the weather
    Avoid hair styling

    Hair styling in damp monsoon weather can damage your hair.Tying up your hair tight is not advised in monsoon as it leads to trapping of rain water in your hair and the humidity makes the hair even more frizzy and limp.
    Try a loose bun, loose hair, loose side pony tail and protect your hair from humidity exposure. Keep your hair trimmed and short during the monsoons for easy cleaning and maintaining..
    Healthy diet

    Only the external modification with regards to the hair health is not enough. Rather, you must go for the right diet. Your hair also requires good amount of protein, vitamins and minerals so that the hair follicles can get strengthen.
    For this, it will be important to have good amount of food rich in vitamins and minerals. The food particles that you should consider are omega 3 fatty acid, salmon, spinach, dahi, etc.

    Friday, August 5, 2016

    How to Identify and Treat Ringworm

    Ringworm, or tinea corporis, is a fungal infection of the skin that is not caused by worms. Ringworm often starts as an itchy, reddish, ring-shaped rash that can be anywhere on your body. You can easily treat a mild case of ringworm at home with antifungal lotions or creams. More severe cases may require a doctor’s visit and prescription medication. By recognizing the symptoms of ringworm early and treating the infection at home, you may be able to avoid more involved medical treatment.

    Cause Of Ringworm

     Although anyone can get ringworm, certain people are more prone to developing the infection. You are more likely to develop ringworm if you:
    • Are younger than 15 years of age
    • Reside in a humid, damp, or crowded place
    • Come into close contact with a person or animal infected with ringworm
    • Share clothing, bedding, or towels with a person who has ringworm
    • Take part in sports that include skin-to-skin contact such as wrestling
    • Wear tight clothing
    • Have a weakened immune system

    How to Identify Ringworm

    In most cases, ringworm starts as a flat and scaly patch of skin. As the infection progresses, the scaly patch my grow in size.

    • Scaly skin may have raised border that expands outward as the infection spreads on your skin. The patch will form a roughly circular ring, hence the name ringworm.
    •  basic contours of the scaly or infected patch will be circular, but may also appear to be wavy like the outline of a snake or worm. You may also have several rings that interconnect with one another.
    • See if you have any patchy and itchy areas in your groin or on your feet that are not circular in shape. These areas may both be signs of ringworm more commonly known as jock itch and athlete’s foot.
    • Check the color of the border and see if it is a darker red than the inside of the patch. This is often a good indication of a ringworm infection.
    • ringworm of the scalp often starts as a small sore that looks like a pimple. 


    One of the most common symptoms of ringworm is severe itching and discomfort on your skin, especially near patches or sores.[11] If you have itching and/ or discomfort with any of the other symptoms, chances are you have ringworm and should get a diagnosis.


    In most cases, your doctor can diagnose ringworm by examining it. However, you may need some testing to confirm a diagnosis. This can also help your doctor develop the best treatment plan for you.See if your doctor scrapes off some skin flakes. She’ll look at these under a microscope to identify the fungus and diagnose your ringworm.

    Treat Ringworm

    Anti fungal cream or lotion if your ringworm is severe. Prescription antifungals are more powerful than over the counter options and may be more effective at treating your ringworm.Follow dosing instructions if your doctor gives you a prescription antifungal.

    Oral antifungals. Your doctor may also prescribe an oral treatment for ringworm. These pills are often used for more severe cases of ringworm and may be used in conjunction with creams or lotions.
    • Take oral antifungals for 8-10 weeks and follow the dosing instructions. The most common medications are terbinafine, itraconazole, griseofulvin, and fluconazole.
    • Be aware that oral antifungals may have the following side effects: diarrhea, indigestion, nausea, and headache.
    Antifunal Shampoo with an antifungal product. For scalp ringworm, you may take an oral antifungal and shampoo with an antifungal product. This may be easier and more effective at curing scalp ringworm 
